This is a classroom working blog. You may see mistakes or errors. These errors will not be corrected by the teacher as this is where the children are currently working. This blog will be monitored by the classroom teacher. Thank you for visiting our blog.

1. Use your first name only.
2. Don't give out any personal details like your
address, phone number or email address.
3. Don't put pictures of others on the blog without their permission.
4. Don't put full names with photos.
5. Use nice words to write messages - no im
polite words or messages.
6. Try your best with spelling - get someone to check it for you if possible.
7. Respect other people's opinions.
8. Everyone is welcome to contribute to a blog.
9. Remember your "Internet Safety Rules" and always have an adult present at home.
10. No silly stuff!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Duffy Assembly

Today, we missed out on the Duffy assembly because we went swimming. But Miss Lambert and Miss Burgh dressed up and gave us our pukapuka. We got to stand on a pretend stage to and get our photo taken with our new pukapuka and we sung the Duffy song. Tia and Geena were our photographers. They did a great job!


Today, was our last day of swimming for this term. We are getting very confident in the water. These are photos of our pahi ride and swimming at the Makino pool.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


This term Room 4 has learnt some new waiata. We have learnt them, so we can sing to people to show our appreciation. Listen and enjoy!